I have been looking back over the positive changes I have made and the people I have ‘virtually’ met and made connections with over the first 6 weeks of the coronavirus lockdown.
Although I have been practicing a range of hypnotherapy, NLP, Reiki and latterly Emotional Freedom Technique from 2002 onwards, I am relatively new to self-employment and so government support is not available to me.
There’s no denying, it’s been challenging and for me, I have drawn on many of my personal resources to pull me through.
I am used to supporting and being supported by some fantastic, teams and becoming self employed often means you have a team of one; and so, since becoming self-employed I have looked to create a virtual team around me.
Around a year ago, I joined a new and small group of people with an interest in holistic therapies and consciousness, we support each other by offering treatment swaps, to ensure we feel as well as possible. The group is ultimately supportive, it is nurturing and nourishing to the soul.
Next, I joined a group in aid of the Shine Bright breast cancer charity, and this went to a new, virtual level as soon as lockdown started as the founder Sue Richards launched ‘Keep Calm and carry on Networking.’ It’s not as formal as BNI or other networking groups, but it is just as professional and above all supportive.
Mixing with other people in different boats yet sailing the same oceans, has given me purpose and learning. We all have something to offer and to give and we can share our resources, our ups and downs. Initially, I thought the twice weekly group would be enough for me, but I have found the virtual one-to-ones even more beneficial.
It is in my nature and my business to be supportive, to help others thrive in career, business and life and so in March when I wrote “In a time when you feel you can’t do anything, do something,” increasing my connections has been my ‘something,’ my purpose.
Networking with others meets four out of five of the World Health Organisation’s Five Ways to Wellbeing, I am constantly learning, I am connecting, I am taking notice
of what other small business owners say, need and want and I am giving
to them both personal business and referrals. So added to my daily exercise, I have all five covered!
In return, I have received both direct business and referrals for people who need hypnotherapy, NLP and Emotional Freedom Technique, which I am able to offer remotely, via Zoom and Skype. I support the appointments with MP3 recordings of hypnotherapy sessions, so people can continue to progress in their own homes.
It has kept my small business The Healing Mind ticking over and importantly, as a therapist supporting others, has enabled me to stay grounded and be able to be there for my clients. I help people to control anxiety, interview, presentation and tendering nerves, I’m supporting people to stay healthy, to lose weight and whilst some have time on their hands, it is been an opportunity for them to overcome fears and phobias.
Following a presentation to the networking group yesterday, I recorded this short, guided visualisation to help them access inner resources, the personal resources we all have; you could call them transferable skills, used over years to help us overcome challenges. It was my gift to the group; I am also sending it to my current and past clients to support them and I’d like to share it with you here.
Sometimes we consciously forget our abilities, but our subconscious mind will have them stored, ready to bring forward when we need them. This short, guided session can help you to reconnect with personal skills, resources and abilities and so help you to overcome any current challenges you may be facing.
If you’d like to find out more ways to help your mind, your career or business start or continue to flourish, then please get in touch. If I can’t help you myself, it’s probable that I’ll know someone who can.