Menopause Support

 Menopause Support

Perimenopausal woman enjoying the hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy to Get You Through the Day and Night

The number of physical and psychological changes we have to go through as we enter the menopause is phenomenal. Each and every one of us is different, and yet there is no question that the issues can be life changing.

What is more, the perimenopause can strike at a time of life when additional stresses can be peaking, for example managing busy careers or businesses or we could be looking after elderly parents, or maybe children are heading off to university or returning and looking for a loan from the bank of Mum and Dad to buy their first home. These life-affecting events, coupled with potential marriage or partnership break-ups and a whole host of other things, it is no wonder the hormonal changes can be ramped up to extreme.

Most of us have heard of some of the affects, which can include:

• Stress
• Hot flushes
• Night sweats
• Difficulty sleeping
• Low mood or anxiety
• Reduced sex drive (libido) and
• Problems with memory and concentration.
All of which can affect our confidence at home, at work and when socialising.
Perimenopausal woman enjoying eft

Making the Most of the Menopause

Using a mix of hypnotherapy practices, NLP and emotional freedom technique, we can create a programme for you to reduce stress and anxiety responses, so reducing negative hormonal effects, hot flushes, night sweats and improving sleep. This can subsequently positively affect your low mood, memory and concentration and help you to start feeling like the ‘you’ that you used to know.

There are so many opportunities for us when we get to what the Chinese beautifully call our ‘Second Spring’, and at The Healing Mind, I have helped many women rediscover who they used to be and make positive steps in becoming who they want to be now.

If you would like to find out more and discuss how I can help you live the life you want, please get in touch.

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