Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)         

Happy People

Hypnotherapy Relief and Relaxation

There are so many issues that arise with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), I am sure you may find it difficult to explain to someone who doesn't understand just how it can affect your life. IBS can strike both men and women at any time of life, and when additional pressures are added, it can make life a whole lot worse.

IBS is a common condition that affects the digestive system. It causes symptoms like stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation. These tend to come and go over time, and can last for days, weeks or months at a time.

What some people don't understand is the amount of ways IBS can be affected and effects it has on people, if it is not kept under control. So whilst it is essential to identify what foods may trigger your own IBS, it is also very important to lead a healthy and where possible reduce stress, which is commonly known as a physical aggravator of IBS .

If you are reading this, you have possibly been affected or restricted from enjoying the life you would like to lead, being concerned about attending social occasions, in case the food upsets you for days, weeks or even months; or maybe you have been unsure about going for a walk or a road-trip because you IBS may flare and you may need to stop quickly. Maybe you have been embarrassed about exercising.

The NHS say that it is "...usually a lifelong problem. It can be very frustrating to live with and can have a big impact on your everyday life.
There's no cure, but diet changes and medicines can often help control the symptoms. The exact cause is unknown – it's been linked to things like food passing through your gut too quickly or too slowly, oversensitive nerves in your gut, stress and a family history of IBS..." 

Hypnotherapy practices, NLP, emotional freedom techniques and reiki can all reduce stress and anxiety responses in the body, which are major contributors to IBS. In turn this can assist in calming the gut, reducing acid and your symptoms. All of the talking therapies can also be used to help you take control of your life and release you from the guilt and strains of being a 'people-pleaser' and accepting meals or invitations that could upset your system. 

If you are also prone to 'self-sabotage', by eating foods that you know are clearly bad for you, through hypnotherapy and NLP we can work together to create new, positive neural pathways and help you to make the choices that you know will enhance your life.

If you would like to find out more and discuss how I can help you improve your IBS then please get in touch.

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