If like many people, 2020 has left you feeling out of control, anxious or helpless, you can bounce back faster in 2021 by setting out your goals for positive change now.
Once your goals are set then your subconscious mind's radar (known as the Reticular Activating System or RAS) will be on the alert for opportunities to deliver your goals.
Maybe you would like to:
~ Improve career and income potential
~ Increase confidence and self-worth
~ Overcome anxiety, panic, fears and phobias
~ Lose weight or stop smoking
~ Break unwanted habits
~ Improve or make changes to a relationship
~ Conquer exam or driving test nerves
~ Reduce overall stress
~ Sleep well
Every successful invention, change or development starts with a thought or a vision, so an outline of what you want to achieve is fantastic. You don’t need to know ‘the how’ immediately, so don’t get bogged down with over-analysing, just let the thoughts build momentum, then visualise, day-dream or imagine what your change will look like for you.
Think about what you want as if you have already achieved it, turn up the brightness and clarity of what you can see, listen to what you can hear having been successful in your change and intensify any positive feelings your achievement brings for you.
The subconscious mind is like a computer and is responsible for 95% of what we do. It never sleeps. So each night when you go to bed, if you consciously visualise having achieved your change, for just 60 seconds (or more if you like), then whilst you sleep your subconscious will embed your requirements onto its hard-drive and each day when you wake, you will find it easier to see opportunities that lead you to your desired outcome, because your radar will be subconsciously set.
It’s never too early to start.
So if you would like to make positive changes in 2021, do try this technique, and if you would like further help to move forward in your life in any of the ways listed above, then please get in touch.
Email: karen@thehealingmind.co.uk or call 07939 865111