There are two different types of stress:-
Eustress, which could be termed as a good stress, it helps motivation, competition, and focuses energy, eustress is short term and managed with our coping abilities, feels exciting and improves performance.
Then we have distress, which is undesirable, it is unproductive and has negative implications. Distress can be short or long-term, it causes anxiety, concern, it feels outside our coping abilities, it decreases performance, and can lead to mental and physical problems.
Recognise the Signs of Stress
Acute stress
presents as over-arousal, and if you have acute stress, you may find that you feel irritable, impatient, and tense, have a short temper, and maybe display argumentative or aggressive behaviour. Alternatively, or in addition, you may feel anxious and worried, feel insecure or tend to judge or blame others.
Physically signs of stress may manifest in digestive problems, muscle tension, increased blood sugar or other physical illnesses.
Chronic (long-term) stress
can lead people to feel extremely low or depressed, and unable to see way out of a miserable situation, view the situation as unrelenting, leading to unhelpful thoughts leading to increased mental illness, and potential serious health conditions.
Pay Attention to the Signs
It can be very easy to ignore stress and allow it to build until your ‘stress bucket’ is full-to-overflowing, so allowing it to become a chronic condition. It is much better to recognise stress and take positive action to alleviate it.
There are many ways to alleviate the immediate feelings of stress, including mindfulness and meditation, breathing and physical exercises, getting lost in music, getting out in nature, and doing something for someone else. But if you feel that you need additional support, then here are some ways in which I can help you:
focuses on individual reactions towards stressful events, and provides practical strategies to increase capacity and coping, changing negative thoughts & beliefs and enabling you to reframe thinking.
calms stressful and anxious states and quickly embeds new strategies into the subconscious mind, developing new neural pathways, enabling, and speeding up stress relief.
sends safety signals to the brain by tapping on a number of acupuncture points, whilst focusing on a specific feeling. This disengages conditional memories and breaks the stress response.
relaxes the body and mind, whilst facilitating physical, mental and emotional healing. Reiki unblocks and balances the energy points (chakras) in the body, enabling stress to leave the body and mind.
If you would like to find out more how I can help you, then please get in touch for a free telephone consultation. or call 07939 865111.