I was so proud last night to hear my stepdaughter tell me that she and a friend were going to paint another friend’s new shop for her, because they didn’t have time to do it themselves. Such a gesture of loyalty and love for her friend in this act of kindness. It made me think today about the small things we can all do on World Kindness Day.
Since its launch in 1998 by The World Kindness Movement, World Kindness Day is celebrated annually on 13th November; its mission is to create a kinder world by inspiring individuals and nations towards greater kindness. On this day, participants attempt to make the world a better place by celebrating and promoting good deeds and pledging acts of kindness, either as individuals or as organisations.
Living your life from a place of kindness is rewarding and fulfilling and takes little effort; it is being aware of others around you and being generous at heart in what you do.
So today I have offered a complimentary NLP session to someone I’ve just met to celebrate World Kindness Day and I’ve raised some money for Alzheimer’s Research, but I’ve done some little things too - I swerved away from a big puddle so I didn’t soak a couple of children walking to school and have taken the dog for an extra walk – he’s very happy!
The more we bring kindness into our daily life the easier it becomes and the more tuned-in we become at noticing and anticipating the happiness of others. Kindness isn’t just about giving money or a lot of time, we can:
• Include someone we wouldn’t normally include in an event or game
• Send a quick note to a colleague if they’re having a bad day
• Offer to help someone less fortunate than ourselves
• Take Mum a cup of tea in bed
• Pop in to see an elderly neighbour to say "hi"
• Engage with someone who looks sad, you never know how that could change their day
• Being kind to the planet – turn the lights you don’t need off, use less chemicals
Kindness Day UK is organised by Kindness UK, a not for profit organisation and the event has continued to grow since its launch with increasing numbers of individuals, schools, charities, institutions and businesses taking part www.kindnessuk.com
No matter how small, acts of kindness can counteract negative characteristics of stress. Whether performed, received or observed, kindness releases endorphins in the body which reduce stress levels.
As you go to bed tonight, give yourself a minute to think about the kind things you have done today, the small gestures that may have meant a lot to something or somebody. As you do, you can use an NLP technique to re-run the event as a film in your mind - make the image brighter, turn up any sounds you heard at the time and use all your senses to re-live the moment and focus on how that small gesture can have changed someone's day. Then notice any changes in your own body, how maybe your body relaxes slightly and allow the feeling to lift your mood and reduce your stress levels.
And maybe as you drift off to sleep, you can wonder if you inspired someone else to be kind today and hopefully that ripple effect will grow and grow.
For more ways to reduce stress levels and make positive changes to your life, please get in touch: